NLYM Catershakers
really proud of you guys!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 ; 7:12 AM

hi girls! hehe it has been so long since the last post. why why why? anyway here is the first post of the year. haha.

i'm really proud of how we came together last week to plan what we wanna do for the rest of the year, and i'm really proud of the plan we came up with. thanks jasmine for helping to coordinate! and i hope that we'd all enjoy serving one another for the rest of 2008. remember the 5 M's k? reach, connect, grow, serve, worship. lets work together to help each other grow!!

reach and grow: planners are in charge (Jasmine, Kihui, Denise, Jamie)
connect: attendance pple are in charge (Nicole and Grace Tan)

if you guys can, pls try to make all annoucements on this blog k? get this blog going. haha. and do read this blog often! for now, the annoucement is sort of a reminder. remember that we're taking a break this sunday. but if you guys want, do go out for lunch, study or something together!

Thursday, October 04, 2007 ; 8:10 AM

hey girls! so sorry to take so long to post.

before i start, here is a riddle: which direction did news come from? the answer will be revealed at the end of this announcement =)

really wanna thank all those who were able to stay back on sunday to hear me complain and cry and all. *haha* i went back feeling so much better. not so lonely anymore. things have been going better nowadays. for one, the buses stopped slowing down on me! i still get to school late, but somehow, it doesnt bother me as much. *haha*

and just to update yall on the "operation" i was supposed to go for. i went to the GP on wed morning, hoping i wont have to skip lessons. but who knows, i went in, and the GP said he cant operate for me cos i'd bleed quite a bit and he does not have the facilities needed for the operation. so he wrote a letter for me and sent me to the poly clinic and asked me to get the operation at the hospital. but my mom only took 2 hours leave, so she could not go to the poly clinic with me. in the end, my dad decided since we both hate the horrible queue at the poly clinic, we would go to my mom's gynae.

lo and behold. i went to the gynae and i had to wait 3.5 hours before i actually got to see the doctor. and i got in, and after the doctor saw the wound, he laughed and said it was peanuts. so he booked me to get the operation next wed. i'll get local anaesthesia and after that he'll stitch me up so i can still go to school after that. finally! there is finally some confirmation. phew.

as for my school, i still need alot of work. so must mug mug mug! thanks for all your prayers!

ok shall end here. and the answer for the riddle: NEWS comes from North, East, West and South! hahaha got this from my tamil lecturer ;)


Hi Girls
Thursday, September 27, 2007 ; 4:41 PM

Hello People :)

Well, the exams are here and I am sure you gals must be binge-in' on your fav snacks as you hit the books! Hope you all are doing well, as I think surviving in Singapore is one thing I find admirable.

If you have followed the once-nearly-dead tagboard on the right, I accidentally invited myself to this blog, and will you gals mind a guy post? I find it really tough to think of something that is worthwhile to post. Just putting all of the girl group photos pics is not my idea of a good post.

Soooo...I gave it some thought, and I decided to use photos as part of an illustration. Of course, the photos will be about you girls.

Problem of Evil

Isn't evil a big thing in the world? People are tortured daily, unwanted babies are discarded into garbage chutes, women are viciously raped, children are put into lifelong slavery, and millions go poor and hungry. Where is God in all of this? If I can think of saving them and do so much good for them, am I better than this God?

Top-notch philosophers take this as primary evidence that a Christian God cannot exist.

If God said He was perfectly good, that means He absolutely hates all evil and is opposed to it. But God's world is plagued by evil, and people have no power to avoid the pain and suffering they have. How can a loving God allow his Creation moan and cry in pain? Is He too weak to overcome the prevalent evil in this world?

Why does God allow evil? So that photos like these can be taken:

Keyword: Free Will.

These photos are soooo nice because of free-will. We choose to love one another.

If God made the world all only good, that means I love you like paying taxes. Doesn't that suck? It will be quite robotic, and doesn't say a lot about character. Everybody loves because we can only love. Love's power is bankrupted when free-will is taken away from us.

For people to be able to love, they must have the free-will to choose evil at the same time. To really love is to step out against self-centeredness and willingly choose to love. That is the significance of love.

Unfortunately, sin is such an appealing choice and others choose evil over good. We live in a broken and sinful world. The evil is the product of choosing evil over good.

This is by no means an answer-all kind of thing, because it's quite short and there's actually a very big debate about it. I encourage all of you to refer back to the Word, or read up on other books like apologetics.

Well, I'll have to go off now and I hope I didn't bore you girls. All the best for the exams and don't forget God!

God Bless,

'...choose for yourselves today whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.' (Joshua 24:15)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 ; 5:12 AM

okay this won't take too long. cos i have to mug too.
God will be there to carry and guide u along! so keep trusting Him. and keep reading this blog :)

Monday, September 24, 2007 ; 6:53 AM

hi girls! wow after so long, i am finally blogging.. haha or rather, i am finally able to blog (since i dont know how to log on). anyway, i decided to blog after what happened yesterday. hahaha went shopping with ki hui and angela and it was so funny!! it reminded me of how diverse our small group is and how amazing it is that we can co-exist. haha

went to far east with them yesterday and in case you were wondering, nope i did not buy anything other than a cup of green apple green tea cos i did not have anymore water in my bottle. haha anyway, angela was looking for a pair of shoes and ki hui was looking for a top that was suitable for work, but not too formal. haha so there we went, wondering through the walkways of far east and gliding in and out of the various shops.

angela: (excited) hey hey, is this shoe nice? very nice right? very cute...
ki hui: (stares for a while) erm ok loh. not the kind i will buy.
after a while...
ki hui: (points to another pair on the rack) oh how about that pair? very nice wat...
angela: (stares in horror) huh... so ugly...

hahahaha so funny watching the two of them converse i tell you.. another incident.

(ki hui walks happily into a shop that sells beaded necklaces and spends alot of time looking at the necklaces, deciding on which one to buy. all this time, angela is in another shop)
(after a while... angela finally comes in)
angela: i dont know why yall like to come into this shop. the things here are so ugly.
ki hui: ugly meh? quite nice wat.. (and she goes off to pay for one necklace)

*grins broadly* so funny huh.. but amazingly they did not quarrel at all!! and i enjoyed myself watching the whole process.

thanks gals!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007 ; 9:03 PM

hi girls! wow i actually managed to remember the password to this blog!! haha okok no la.. not that my memory is good, but i forgot that i saved the password somewhere on my laptop. *hehe*.

so how's school for all of you today? hope all's well, especially for those collecting results soon. yups dun worry! breathe! and hope yall come for small group in a good mood.

ok anyway this is an announcement: there will be no small group on Chinese New Year 2007!! yups since we'll all be in the ang bao mood by then. so small group will still be on this week, but not on the CNY week, neither will sheng'en's group.

in case you're wondering, we decided to post on this blog so as to see how many people read this blog still. *muahahahaha*. so on sunday i'll ask who read this announcement. yay!

grace wan

Monday, November 27, 2006 ; 4:48 AM

HEYA GIRLS. long time no post =p
anyway today hannah jas kihui grace and ruth went out to celebrate hannah's bday! yay. haha grace wasnt in this photo (below), cos she was still on the train. haha rushing from sch! poor grace. 1,2,3.. AWWW. yup anyway, THANKS hannah for treating us.. u crazy girl. its ur bday la... (tmr). haha we ate dessert and went high too. yups.
take care u pple! and see ya all in church :)

ps. we have GUYLIAN CHOCOLATES from the carnival for small group :) yay can't wait huh... hahahahaha

love love love love love ruth ruth ruth

Monday, October 30, 2006 ; 6:31 AM

hey ladies! i just found out that carven is performing in a concert!! haha she didnt want to tell anyone cos she's only playing one song.. but how often do we get to watch her play her sax?? haha

so anyone interested? $10, 19 nov (sun) at National library drama center. a yamaha concert.

let me noe if u wanna go ya? thanks!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 ; 2:41 AM

grace+emily+kihui+angela+hannah+ruth = 6 beautiful young ladies who had a day of Fun in the Sun

1030- met at harbour front macs, talked untill 12! (thats long) wasted so many hotcakes!

12- emily and kihui bought RED and GREEN slippers respectively!

1230-took cab to sentosa, since the queue for the bus was TERRIBLY LONG!

1- started our photo treasure hunt and had loads of fun finding bird droppings, dolphins, seaweed, toilets, butterflies...etc! pink men! haha

3-had 'lunch'at 7eleven! cup noodles, etc. (played bunny and hunter, No, not with hands, but with people! YES! people! haha)

3.30-PLAYED IN THE WATER for a very long time! so many different FUN games, squeeze/murderer/henry/etc

5.30-i think 5.30, got up of the disgusting dirty water and bathed.

6.30-headed out of sentosa, queues for the buses were extremely LONG!

7- ate at the hawker centre instead of vivo, cos we were all so dead tired!

8.30-after talking (about 10 years from now!), we headed home!!!!!!

yay! so that was tuesday! and it proves that u should come for the next outing, cos you'll have loads of fun!

-Ruth=10dots reporting

Sunday, October 22, 2006 ; 6:42 AM

HEY GIRLS! and YES. this is strictly only for GIRLS!

We're gonna have an ALL-GIRLS outing!!!

Time: Meet at 1030 at Harbour Front Macdonalds. lunch at about 2-3pm. our special activity before that. and then from 3-5 we have free time (for throwing pple into the sea..etc./biking). Dinner at Vivocity!

Venue: Harbour front/sentosa/vivo

*Bring extra change for dinner after we play! and money/water/snacks/CAMERA (extremely important)

yups. any questions, ask Hannah or Ruth. THANKS! and please try to make it k?

i promise'll be LOADS of fun. and u'll miss out alot if u don't turn up. SO PLEASE GO!

love, Ruth

Thursday, October 19, 2006 ; 10:06 AM

have you ever seen a sealion do sit ups? or a dog do a hand stand? go check this out! soooo cute! haha

Subject: Âà±H¡G 2004 The pet champion performs

finally, a post by grace, with the promised photos!
Thursday, October 12, 2006 ; 7:40 AM

i was still contemplating whether i should post so fast. since then people may not read hannah's second post. but after thinking through.. FORGET IT! i will just post and you ladies can go read everything again! -muahahaha- but dont worry my post will hopefully not be as holy =p

this week has been really hectic for me.. but still not as hectic as last week. for those who have read my blog, yall will know that ive met with some sort of friendship problems in school, problems with persecution and problems with coping with my work.

so for those of you who think i am perfect and wonderful and that i never go wrong, well, lets just say.. IM HUMAN TOO! i feel down, i face stupid problems in life that i hope i never have to go through again. the worst problem for me now is that i am very bogged down by school work. its not even that near exams, but somehow everywhere i go (home or school) i just get this nagging feeling that i need to study. its like the books are calling out to me and scolding me for not reading them. so in the end i stay up late to study them because i get home so late. sigh so ya.. i understand how you feel when you just are so scared and want to do well, cos i feel it too.

so here i just want to ask for prayers, not just for myself but for everyone out there who is going to have exams. let us not pray that we do well, but that through all these stress we will see God more clearly and learn to practice trust. that we may rearrange our priorities to match that of His. sigh its tough being a christian. but just like its tough to give up our childish ways, we must let go of our worldly ways. cos we noe that in heaven the reward is great!! must stay positive!! haha especially since im such a pessimistic person=/

oh and this is regarding the blog. i actually posted smth but i think it got lost. haha erm yups hannah did this wonderful blog! yups i love the colours! very different. haha and this blog is FOR ALL OF US to blog! its is not hannah-and-grace-wan blog. it is the caterskaker blog! so all of us are responsible to keep this going. this is why we ALL have the password and username. if it dies (like hannah predicts), then it is everyone's fault!!! yups just blog la.. anything also can. k?

and here is the photos i promised!
our guests!
Free Image Hosting at
our caterpillars!
Free Image Hosting at
our love shakers!
Free Image Hosting at
kiwi and hannah
Free Image Hosting at
carven and Jamie
Free Image Hosting at
ruth and kiwi
Free Image Hosting at
ruth and hannah
Free Image Hosting at
patrick and hannah =)
Free Image Hosting at

Psalm 91
; 12:35 AM

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust".

"Because he loves me", says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me; and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation".

we all face dangers and heartaches in life because we live in a lost and fallen world. but in the midst of these difficulties we can be absolutely confident that we are not left alone to deal with them. God's faithfulness is our constant shield; we are covered by the shadow of the Almighty. these unchanging promises are for those who choose to put themselves under the care and protection of the Lord.

so all those who are sick, mugging, or just plain tired of school, cheer up<33 God's with you! put your hope in his unconditional love.

"God's there, listening for all who pray, for all who pray and mean it." -Psalm 145:18

The Official First Post
Monday, October 09, 2006 ; 2:43 AM


and so here we are again...

and as you can tell, i am typing pointless nothings because i want to fill up the page so i can test if the size of the div box is correct...

and also, of course, because i do not feel like studying math...

and let me try to explain stuff... i recreated the blog in blogger (non-beta) because the html editing in blogger beta refused to work for me... so if you guys want to sign in, sign in in blogger (non-beta version) with the username NLYMcatershakers (i don't think you really need the capital letters though), and the password will be the old one. so we can all stop using grace's email now...

and by the way, i hope you guys like the layout...

and it should look something like this...

and i apologise for my deteriorating photoshop + css editing skills...

and as i'm sure some people will point out, my taste in colours...

and this is way too many "ands" now...

and too many dot dot dots...

this post will therefore conclude.

<33 hannah

Girls who are here to love, and to share. Join our small group every Sunday, from 12.30 to 2pm. All are welcome.